
Tuition & Fees

Every school year, tuition fees are determined by the US Federal Government and released by the DODEA Headquarters. Tuition is split in two payments. The first installment includes August to 30 September which ends the fiscal year. The second installment includes 1 October to the end of the school year.

Please contact the School at +973 1772-7828 to receive updated tuition fees.

Tuition invoices will be emailed to parents on receipt from DoDDS Resource Management Office, United States.

Payments can be made by major credit card on https://www.pay.gov, only upon receipt of a tuition invoice. An online receipt will be issued by Pay.gov.

Per the DoDEA policy, the school will not issue any receipts for payments made via Pay.Gov or EFT’s. Pay.Gov issues online receipts and banks issue EFT receipts. The receipt is proof of payment. Sponsors must present proof of payment to the school. Dollar Bank Drafts are also accepted and receipts will be issued by the school. Payment details/instructions will be mentioned on the invoice.

For Tuition payment queries, please contact the School at +973 1771-9800

The Application /Testing Fees (non-refundable) of BD 70.000 is a BISA fee and it is due at the time of submitting the application.

The Building Levy fee (non-refundable) of BD 600.000 is a BISA fee and it is due upon acceptance of the application. The principal purpose of the building levy is to build new facilities, improvements and subsequent maintenance and repairs to retain School facilities in a safe and effective operating state. It is mandatory that the building levy payment is made to reserve a spot at the Bahrain School by all students.

The Boarding Fees of BD 6,500 is a BISA fee and it qualifies if you are a dorm student from grades 6-12 and are due prior to the first day of school. In addition to the Boarding fees, dorm students are required to pay the building Levy fees. Additional fees of transport to Saudi Arabia, AMH (medical insurance), government formalities (Bahrain visas) and contingency fund are applicable as needed.

The Dormitory Experience