Parents, teachers, students, administrators, and military commanders share the responsibility to support the schools through advisory councils and boards. Participation in advisory councils and boards enhances and improves educational programs and services, as well as the overall quality of life shared by all Department of Defense (DoD) American overseas communities.
The SAC is composed of an equal number of locally-elected parents and full-time professional school employees and may include a senior high school student enrolled in the school. The SAC advises the school principal on local school-related, non-personnel matters such as educational programs, resources, services, and policies. Issues unresolved at the school level may be elevated to the District Advisory Council (DAC). Parents are welcome and encouraged to contact their local school principal to learn more.
What does this mean at Bahrain School? In simple terms, your SAC wants to ensure that communication is open to and from parents, administration and base. SAC includes representation from each of these categories. All of us want to see Bahrain School be the best it can be to serve the students best interests. We are all very fortunate that our administrators at Bahrain School are always willing to hear concerns directly from anyone that has them. SAC will act in a couple of different ways. If a parent or group of parents would like to bring forward an idea or issue to a larger forum, they can always contact a member of SAC, use the SAC email directly or attend a meeting. Additionally, the principals may have an issue they would like to discuss in a larger forum and will bring that issue to SAC. The bottom line will always be doing what is best for students and the Bahrain School community. The main goals of the School Advisory Council are to participate in and encourage strategic planning, develop and define policy, and serve as a public relations source. The SAC operates in the policy-making process by formulating and adopting, but never enacting, policy. As the title states, the Council is advisory in nature.
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year Bahrain School will have two SAC committees – an Elementary SAC and a Middle School/High School SAC. Additionally, there will be an Installation Advisory Council (IAC) where the individual SACs will have representation along with the Naval Support Activity Bahrain base commander.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact: